Supermetrics Blog

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Marketing Analytics

How to find your most important marketing metric: a step-by-step guide

How to find your most important marketing metric: a step-by-step guide

10-MINUTE READ · By Tomi Mester Every second business I start to work with on data projects produces one very common symptom: they try to focus on too many things at the same time. Just recently, I asked a friend of mine who runs an e-commerce company of 11 people, “What’s the most important metric that ...

By Supermetrics

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a great way to drive quality traffic to your website; yet, it’s a commonly misunderstood aspect of digital marketing, especially by non-marketers. So, it’s important when creating your SEO marketing reports for clients that you make them both digestible as well as engaging and informative. But how do you make ...

8-MINUTE READ | By Misty Faucheux

Announcing Supermetrics for BigQuery: get a marketing data warehouse up and running in minutes

12-MINUTE READ · By Zhao Hanbo Today we’re very pleased to announce Supermetrics for BigQuery, the first ever native BigQuery Data Transfer Service app for non-Google marketing platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, and Bing. After Google’s announcement at the Cloud Next conference, Supermetrics for BigQuery is now available. It’s by far the simplest ...

By Supermetrics

marketing reporting templates

We’re big fans of marketing reporting templates here at Supermetrics: they’re easy to use, you immediately get insights into your data, and you can easily come up with ideas for improving your paid campaigns, organic search performance, and social marketing efforts. Products like Supermetrics for Google Sheets and Supermetrics for Google Data Studio are excellent ...

18-MINUTE READ | By Anna Shutko

In a recent survey, 87% of executives claimed that data is the most underused asset within marketing. By structuring and visualizing that underused data in a marketing reporting dashboard, marketers can understand at a glance which marketing actions have been successful, and which ones haven’t. These insights help marketers make well-founded decisions to inform their ...

12-MINUTE READ | By Mieke Houbrechts

Introducing shared connections in the Supermetrics add-in for Excel

9-MINUTE READ · By Supermetrics Today we are thrilled to announce our new product – Supermetrics for Excel. Following the success of our famous Google Sheets add-on, with 300 000+ users to date, we have developed a tool which helps marketers create insightful reports in Excel spreadsheets. With Supermetrics, marketing reporting in Excel has never ...

By Supermetrics




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