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Ecommerce Analytics,

Make your ecommerce data work harder with the brand new Shopify connector from Supermetrics


Great news: you can now pull your Shopify data into Google Sheets, Google Data Studio, and Microsoft Excel with Supermetrics! Why is this connector such a big deal? Because it helps ecommerce merchants and marketers quickly understand what’s going on with the business. As you’ve probably noticed, ecommerce data is scattered across multiple siloed platforms. ...

5-MINUTE READ | By Anna Shutko

Ecommerce customer segmentation for beginners

The promotions tab in Gmail is a gift for email users — it’s the perfect junkyard for irrelevant ads, discount emails, and offers.  From a marketer’s perspective, though, think of all the wasted dollars it represents. Almost all mass emails blasted without segmentation and personalization meet a similar fate: deleted, archived, or caught in the ...

17-MINUTE READ | By Farheen Gani

Snowflake connector banner

As the volume of marketing data grows, more and more businesses are moving their data to a data warehouse. Snowflake is a great choice for many as it can be built on top of any existing cloud platform, whether it’s Google, Amazon Web Services, or Microsoft Azure. That’s why we built a Snowflake connector for ...

4-MINUTE READ | By Anna Shutko

how to build an attribution model

Far too many marketing teams are still seen internally as the arts and crafts department.  They’re considered a support function at best and a cost center at worst. And that’s frustrating considering all the work you’re putting into launching new products, producing awesome content, building campaigns, and well… ultimately driving revenue. The good news is ...

9-MINUTE READ | By Pinja Virtanen




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