Supermetrics Blog

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Instagram hashtag analytics: How to grow your Instagram account with hashtags

instagram hashtag analytics

Hashtags are great for engaging with your followers and driving traffic to your Instagram content. But, what happens when you don’t get your hashtags right? Not using enough hashtags? You’re missing out on the chance to grow your account. Using the wrong hashtags? You’re reaching the wrong audience. Too many hashtags? Where’s your hashtag etiquette? ...

7-MINUTE READ | By Joy Huynh

Technical SEO audit

We often assume that search engines are far more precise and knowledgeable than they are in reality. As a result, we often unwittingly develop poor practices that prevent our sites from reaching our search goals. Catching and correcting SEO mistakes like these are what audits are for.  In our time as growth-minded technical SEO consultants, ...

16-MINUTE READ | By John Reinesch and Branko Kral

CallRail announcement

The cat is finally out of the bag! We’re happy to announce that CallRail has officially joined the Supermetrics connector squad. ?? Now you can easily move your CallRail data to Google Sheets, Google Data Studio, Excel, data visualization tools, and data warehouses with Supermetrics. Let’s take a look at some reports you can build ...

3-MINUTE READ | By Joy Huynh

How to query Google Sheets data in BigQuery

When I first started using Google Sheets, I thought it was a joke. My first experience with it back in 2010 was in high school when I was in my Intro to Accounting class. My exact thoughts were, “There’s no way Google can pack as much functionality into a web browser as Microsoft does into ...

6-MINUTE READ | By Evan Kaeding




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