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News and product updates,

Announcing Yandex.Metrica and Yandex.Direct connectors

15-MINUTE READ · By Supermetrics. We’re excited to release a powerful duo: the Yandex.Metrica and Yandex.Direct connectors. With these two new integrations you can take full control of analyzing and reporting marketing data from Yandex – the biggest local search engine in Russia. Below I will discuss what metrics you can report from Yandex.Metrica and ...

By Supermetrics

15-MINUTE READ · By Supermetrics By allowing website owners to easily earn revenue from ad placements on their sites, Google AdSense has significantly simplified the unrewarding task of selling that ad space. At Supermetrics we understand that in order to make smart, data-based decisions, publishers need to track and analyze AdSense data wisely — a ...

By Supermetrics

5-MINUTE READ · By Supermetrics on May 30 2017. We have made some great additions to the Supermetrics Add-on’s database connector: You can now pull data from PostgreSQL and Amazon Redshift databases, and we have fixed the problems with connecting to SQL Server. PostgreSQL database can be either on-premises or in the cloud. When choosing ...

By Supermetrics

4-MINUTE READ ·  By Supermetrics on January 18 2017. Many of you have requested us to add data sources, that we don’t yet support. And there there’s a big variety in them: from SEO and A/B testing tools to companies’ own CRM systems as well as public data. While our engineers are working hard on ...

By Supermetrics


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